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ValoTERRA metering system

July 2022

The ultimate goal of planting is to ensure that each field and each seed achieves its full potential. With its new metering box, the core of the ValoTerra planter provides all the precision required for high-quality planting. Its vacuum system ensures that all planting is performed with the same level of consistency. For increased accuracy, it can be adjusted by increments of 100 seeds per hectare.

The volume of the hoppers has been optimized to make refills easier and less frequent. The ValoTerra offers a capacity of 70L of seeds per row, which equates to e.g. 160,000 maize seeds. And to switch crops, only the seed disc needs changing! This takes less than a minute per row! The new quarter-turn handles play a major role in these significant operational time savings.
The on-board generator supplies 5.6 kW of power. Its voltage is 56V and it drives the planter smoothly due to its low amperage. No batteries are required! Each component of the new ValoTerra planter is designed for ease of use and adaptability.
The new patented ValoTerra metering system guarantees metering precision in all conditions. Several major innovations have been introduced to offer optimized and unrivalled vacuum performance:

  • A floating insert: facilitates seed disc rotation
  • Electric motor in the seed disc shaft
  • Box hung on flexible mounts
  • Adjustable seed shutter: seed flow to the box can be isolated
  • New 3-toothed singulator
  • Metering quality can be inspected: through the window, using the ISOBUS terminal, or using the app
  • Easy to adjust metering
  • Only the disc needs changing to switch crops: less than one minute per row
  • Versatile metering due to its vacuum-based system

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